There are lots of people who are having this intense love of drinking coffee. There are instances wherein this love for coffee is doing a lot of good than bad. Coffee drinkers are not even aware that something bad is happening already to their health because coffee
We can’t deny the fact that coffee is so popular worldwide. It gives us the energy that we need to take on the day or even go on extended working shifts without feeling tired or sleepy.
There is nothing wrong with drinking coffee after all. However, the problem lies in its main ingredient which is CAFFEINE. Once you had a lot of this substance on your body, expect that things might go wrong with your health.
It is notable that approximately 85% of the population in the US takes a beverage that includes caffeine in their daily routine. It does not matter whether it is a coffee, energy drink, tea, etc. as long as a beverage contains caffeine, drinking it in moderation is a must.
As a stimulant, we can actually conclude that it has a link to how our mind responds to it after drinking. The fact that we feel awake and energetic after having a dose of coffee is something to think of.
Caffeine and Depression
For us to understand the relationship between coffee and depression. We must know that our body needs to have some sort of interaction with our brain. Whenever we drink coffee, our body absorbs it and after that, it signals our brain to boost our mood.
Although people are just stressing out about the bad effects of caffeine on our bodies, it has a lot of benefits as well. If taken in moderate amounts, coffee, and other caffeine beverages will surely give you certain benefits.
Here are the most common benefits that caffeine could give:
- Enhances your presence of mind
- Provides energy
- For vitality
- Reduces risks of suicide attempts
- Prevents and lessens inflammation
- Gives better psychomotor performance
The Effects of Caffeine On The Nervous System
The effects of caffeine on the brain and nervous system might be a complicated process. Everything starts with a molecule called adenosine. Caffeine alters this molecule as it is the primary reason for humans to feel sleepy. It prevents the binding of this molecule with its receptors. Once it is altered, the feeling of drowsiness will be long gone.
Also, the presence of dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin will trigger happy moods. This is why it gives an antidepressant effect. When taken in moderate amounts, coffee will give you the much-needed benefits you deserve such as lowering your risks of depression. However, things could go wrong if you overdo it. Also, we must understand that coffee alone is not the sole medication for depression. It has just a therapeutic effect but never a long-term solution.
On the bad side, overdosing on coffee with caffeine can increase the risk of psychiatric problems. It includes the occurrence of anxiety, depression, and even psychosis. Usually, the good effects of caffeinated drinks are just short-term that is why after the effects wear off, tiredness could be felt.
Although some food and drinks that we know also contain caffeine, the effect of coffee seem to be more notable compared to chocolates and sodas. Regarding that, tea is the closest substitute to coffee and can give you almost the same results and effects.
If you consume coffee in the right amounts, you’ll surely reap the benefits. You can even use it as a therapeutic solution to depression and other related stuff. However, be mindful of your consumption as same with others that anything in excess will surely have a bad implication on your health.